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About CloudScale365

Co-Managed IT Services

Transform how your organization scales and manages IT resources. Quickly expand your capabilities, address specialized IT requirements, or ensure compliance with industry regulations.

The Best of Both Worlds: CloudScale365 Co-Managed IT

Managed IT services typically involve outsourcing the entire IT infrastructure to an MSP, who takes full responsibility for all IT functions. In contrast, Co-Managed IT services involve a partnership between the internal IT team and the MSP, where both parties collaborate and share responsibilities based on the organization’s needs.


Our Co-Managed IT Services offer a collaborative approach. Your internal IT team partners with CloudScale365 to share responsibilities. This model allows your organization to leverage our expertise, resources, and scalability while you maintain control over certain aspects of your operations.


Choosing a CloudScale365 Co-Managed IT Solution is a beneficial decision for your company, as it offers:


Scalability & Flexibility

Our flexible IT solutions can quickly scale to match your organization’s growth, changing needs, and specific requirements.

Maintain Control


Maintain control over critical IT functions while benefiting from our expertise and support.

Enterprise-Grade Tech Stack

Get access to our enterprise-level tools, technology, and security solutions.

Reduced responsibility

Reduced Responsibility

Offload routine and time-consuming tasks to our team, reducing the burden on your internal team.


24/7 Support

Benefit from our around-the-clock support to address any IT issues. Promptly and minimize downtime.


Always Up-to-Date

Ensure your IT systems are always up-to-date with the latest technologies and best practices.


Cost Savings

Achieve cost savings by leveraging our resources and expertise—without requiring extensive in-house hiring and training.



Measurable KPIs

Track and measure the performance of your IT services with clear, measurable KPIs to ensure alignment with business goals.

Our Co-Managed IT model offers a range of services, and we work seamlessly with your existing IT team. Get started now!

When to Consider CloudScale365 Co-Managed IT Services

Choosing CloudScale365 Co-Managed IT Services can transform how your organization scales and manages IT resources. Whether you’re looking to quickly expand your capabilities, address specialized IT requirements, or ensure compliance with industry regulations, our team is ready to support your needs. Partner with us to relieve your overworked IT staff, fill knowledge gaps, and efficiently tackle technical debt while finding hosting efficiencies.

  • Your organization needs to scale up quickly. CloudScale365 Co-Managed IT services provide the flexibility to rapidly scale IT resources up or down as needed, without the delays and costs associated with hiring and training new staff.
  • Your organization has specialized IT requirements. Access our team’s specialized skills and expertise that may not be available within your internal team. CloudScale365 experts bring a wealth of experience and knowledge in various IT domains.
  • Your organization needs to address regulatory/compliance requirements. Ensure your IT infrastructure and processes comply with industry regulations and standards by leveraging CloudScale365’s compliance management expertise.
  • Your IT staff is overworked. Share the workload with us to relieve the burden on your internal IT team, allowing your staff to focus on strategic initiatives rather than routine tasks.
  • Your organization is launching a new product. Support the launch of new products with the additional IT resources and expertise required to ensure a smooth rollout and ongoing support.
  • There are knowledge gaps in your organization’s IT staff. Fill knowledge gaps within your internal team by partnering with CloudScale365. We offer a broad range of IT skills and expertise.
  • Your organization needs to tackle tech debt efficiently. Leverage our resources to modernize and optimize your IT infrastructure, and address technical debt effectively.
  • Your organization needs to find hosting efficiencies. Let our Dev-Ops as a Service team assist you in rationalizing your Cloud Costs. As a long-time Microsoft CSP, we have extensive direct experience supporting and managing both Hybrid and Private Cloud instances.

Services in CloudScale365 Co-Managed IT Model

Every IT engagement is unique, and at CloudScale365, we tailor our solutions to meet your organization’s specific needs. Our Co-Managed IT model offers a range of services, and we work seamlessly with your existing IT team to provide collaborative planning, project execution, and regular communication to ensure alignment and success.


CloudScale365 Co-Managed IT Services include:

  • Network management
  • Cybersecurity
  • Cloud services
  • Data backup and recovery
  • IT consulting and strategy
  • Helpdesk support
  • Seamless integration with your existing IT team
  • Collaborative planning and execution of IT projects
  • Regular communication and coordination to ensure alignment
Services in CloudScale365 Co-Managed IT

Industries Utilizing CloudScale365
Co-Managed IT Services

CloudScale365 Co-Managed IT Solutions are utilized by a wide range of industries and small and mid-sized businesses that benefit from our model’s flexibility and expertise.

Industries Utilizing CloudScale365 Co-Managed IT Services
  • Education: Enhancing IT infrastructure to support online learning, protecting student data, and managing large campus networks.
  • Financial services: Meeting stringent regulatory requirements, managing secure transactions, and protecting sensitive financial data.
  • Healthcare: Ensuring compliance with regulations like HIPAA, managing electronic health records (EHR), and maintaining high levels of cybersecurity.
  • Legal: Managing secure communication, data storage, and compliance with legal regulations.
  • Nonprofit: Maximizing limited resources, ensuring data security, and supporting varied IT needs flexibly.
  • Retail: Supporting e-commerce platforms, managing POS systems, and ensuring cybersecurity to protect customer data.
  • Technology: Enhancing innovation, managing large-scale IT projects, and providing additional expertise for complex solutions.

Get the advantages of co-managed IT services today!